Stay In Shape During the Holidays
If you are like most people in the Western world, the holiday season (Christmas time, to be precise) means FEASTING. And there is nothing wrong with it. Yet, many people around the world complain about holiday weight gain and the consequences of uncontrolled amounts of food. While you absolutely SHOULD enjoy the holiday season with all its decadent meals and yummy desserts and cookies, there is a few things you can keep in mind in order to stay in shape during the holidays:
1.) Make it a VEGAN Christmas - you don't need to eat meats like turkey and roast when you have delicious and cholesterol-free alternatives like Tofurky and its countless varieties! This will not only save calories, but also the lives of many animals. A win-win situation, don't you think?
2.) Have a morning detox rountine. Drink half a liter of warm lemon water every morning and have a green smoothie afterwards. That way, you'll prepare your body for the feast and help it stay alcalized.
3.) Do work-out. Yes, even during the holidays. even if it's just a short run, a quick workout video or your daily yoga routine - your body and figure will thank you later!
4.) Enjoy your meals, but don't eat to the point that you feel sick. Eat until you feel fully satisfied, but not stuffed. Be grateful for your meals and enjoy them to the fullest - especially if they are vegan!