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Workouts to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, just changing your eating habits will probably not have the effect you desire. In order to kick your metabolism into high gear and tone up, you need to do some workouts, too. But don't fret - you don't need to join a gym and sweat there for hours - just doing a short workout everyday can give you amazing results.

Also, you should try finding a sport you honestly love - don't go jogging just because you have heard that it helps you lose weight. If you truly cannot stand jogging, it will not be of great benefit for you.

Some interesting workout ideas

- Tabata: This workout is fast-paced and makes your metabolism soar for hours! Start with five minutes a day, perferably in the morning:

Walks: If you have really fallen out of the workout loop or have never trained before , just start by going for walks - 30 minutes a day should be enough to get your body used to moving more again.

Beat the seat: If you work at an office or generally have to sit for long hours, you should try to get up and move around at least once per hour. Why? Sitting for long hours can lower your metabolism and wreak havoc on your lean muscle mass:

Check out this awesome office workout:

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