Why Weight Loss is in Your Mind
Unfortunately, many people are incredibly focused on calories, "carbs" and fat in their food. Also, many people think that this is what has to be done in order to lose weight. Little do they know that all these obsessive thoughts about "forbidden" and "bad" foods is what actually makes them gain weight in the first place.
Obsessing about every calorie you eat does not only put stress on your mind, but also on your body. In order to managed elevated stress levels, your body produces an array of hormones, one of it being cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels make your body retain more water and store more fat than a yummy piece of vegan cake ever could (and you are not even having fun in the process! )
If you are serious about losing weight, identify why you need to lose it, are you really overweight (by medical standards) or do you have a beauty ideal that strives for a super-slim physique? In any case, you should put HEALTH before WEIGHT.
If you do have some pounds to lose, try to identify the habits that got you heavier in the first place and substitute them with better choices. Cleanse your body of toxins that get stored in the fat cells, and you will see how fast the extra-weight will come off. It is always helpful to follow a plant-based diet, it is not only "kinder" to the animals and the environment, but makes losing weight so much easier. Plant-based foods are far easier to digest than animal products and make your system work faster and more efficiently.

If you want to know why a vegan diet can help you lose weight fast and healthy, please click here: